The Mirror and its Reflections
Intervention + Discussion + Performance
Month of Performance Art Berlin- May 2014
Discussion moderator, The Mirror and its Reflections
Artistic Research: Four Approaches
Curated by: Camilla Graff Junior
Artistic Research: Four Approaches
L’animal autobiographique- Lecture derridienne
Reading + Collective Performance
Meinblau, Berlin- May 2014
L’animal autobiographique- Lecture derridienne
A reading of Jacques Derrida’s The Animal That Therefore I Am
Curated by: Anne Hölck and Camilla Graff Junior
Tiergarten: Walter Benjamin’s Berlin, Schumann’s intermezzo and the role of text in my work
Screening + Talk
University of Gothenburg, Academy of Music and Drama
Talk title: Tiergarten: Walter Benjamin’s Berlin, Schumann’s intermezzo and the role of text in my work
Gothenburg, Sweden- March 2014
See also: Tiergarten
Newspaper Photo
Berlinale 2014 interview with directors of the film Velvet Terrorists, Peter Kerekes and Ivan Ostrochovský
Article written by Dora Kaprálová for the daily Czech newspaper Lidové Noviny
Photo credit: Luisa Greenfield, Berlin February 2014
Tiergarten: Walter Benjamin’s Berlin, Schumann’s intermezzo and the role of text in my work
Conference Coordinator + Screening + Talk
NSU, Nordic Summer University
Winter Symposium, Crossing Contexts- Interventions through Artistic Research
Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Arts Education Department
Vilnius, Lithuania February/March 2014
Talk title: Tiergarten: Walter Benjamin’s Berlin, Schumann’s intermezzo and the role of text in my work
Artistic Research in a Nordic Context
Practice as Research in the Arts, Robin Nelson, 2013
Quoted in Chapter 9, Artistic Research in a Nordic Context, pp. 152-162
Practice as Research in the Arts pg. 158-159
Summer Symposium, Crossing Contexts – Interventions through Artistic Research
Conference Coordinator
NSU, Nordic Summer University
Summer Symposium, Crossing Contexts- Interventions through Artistic Research
Ulsteinvik, Norway, July/August 2013
Month of Performance Art Berlin, Crossing Contexts Neukölln
Editorial Assistance
Month of Performance Art Berlin, Crossing Contexts Neukölln
Curated by Camilla Graff Junior
Berlin, Germany, May 1-31, 2013
La Monte Young’s Poem for Chairs, Tables, Benches, etc.
Festival + Workshop + Performance
Verona Risuona 2013: Sound in Urban Spaces
Conservatorio di Musica
Workshop: La Monte Young’s Poem for Chairs, Tables, Benches, etc.
Verona, Italy, May 2013
History Lessons by Comparison
Conference Coordinator + Screening + Talk
NSU, Nordic Summer University
Winter Symposium, Crossing Contexts- Interventions through Artistic Research
Talk title: History Lessons by Comparison
Iceland Academy of the Arts, Reykjavik, February 2013
Guest Critic
Röda Sten Art Centre, The Sounding Room group exhibition
Gothenburg, Sweden, January 2013
Film Sound course
Guest Lecturer
University of Gothenburg Academy of Music and Drama
Course title: Film Sound
Gothenburg, Sweden, January-April 2013
Senses of Cinema
Senses of Cinema, Dec. 2012
2012 World Poll
History Lessons by Comparison in “Best” films list, David Phelps
Senses of Cinema Best of List 2012
Review of History Lessons by Comparison
The Noteworthy, Sept. 2012
Review of History Lessons by Comparison
“Marcel Hanoun (1929-2012), “Heaven’s Gate” Reopened, History Lessons” by Adam Cook
Review of History Lessons by Comparison
Anthology draft presentation
Conference Coordinator + Talk
NSU, Nordic Summer University
Summer Symposium, Artistic Research- Strategies for Embodiment
Theme: Documentation and Dissemination
Anthology draft presentation: The Disquieting Image, Tracing the Visual Essay
Brandbjerg, Denmark, July/August 2012
Åsa Stjerna Sounding Currents
ARTnord, Contemporary Art from the North, issue 11, May 2012
The Disquieting Image, Tracing the Visual Essay
Conference + Screening + Talk
College Art Association, 100th Annual Conference
Panel theme: Tracking the Movement of Investigatory Art
Talk title: The Disquieting Image, Tracing the Visual Essay
Los Angeles Convention Center, February 2012
Documentation and Dissemination
Conference Coordinator
NSU, Nordic Summer University
Winter Symposium, Artistic Research- Strategies for Embodiment
Theme: Documentation and Dissemination
Theater Academy Helsinki, Finland, February 2012
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Valand School of Fine Art, Research Center
October talk title: The Disquieting Image, Tracing the Visual Essay
November talk title: Public Gardens Private Spaces
Artist in Residence 2011 October/November 2011
Public Gardens Private Spaces
Conference + Screening + Talk
NSU, Nordic Summer University
Summer Symposium, Artistic Research- Strategies for Embodiment
Theme: Artistic Knowing
Talk title: Public Gardens Private Spaces
Falsterbo, Sweden, August 2011