Rome Shoot

March 22, 2017

Hey Melissa, Gustavo and Terril,

Just an update on the project coming up in Rome. I have been searching in vain for the exact car which is I am sure a Mini Cooper Minor probably from the mid-late 1960’s. The car is now very rare. I have been in contact with 10 different collectors in Italy and no one has one….still searching but it in the meantime, I have two backup plans (below)- and it is the Fiat again from the same era either red or b/w interior. Very similar interior shape and size but of course not exactly the same. I will book one of these cars as a back up since I have a guy that will give me a good deal for 3 days. In any case, once it is decided I will send images.

Because of the car, I need to find a place for us to stay with secure parking. Will let you know as soon as I know where we are staying.

I’ll be going to the archive in Bologna in April but so far I have found out the following information about the original 1972 film:

-Huillet and Straub shot for a total of 3 weeks in Italy (Rome, Frascati, Trento-Alto Adige and on Elba) from June-July 1972


-Éclair-Coutant camera
(Is it sure you will be able to get access to this camera again?)
-4 prime lenses
-1 zoom lens

-1 Nagra

Film stock:

-Eastman Kodak 7254 (7,560 m.)

Final length: 961 m.

Cost: 65,000 DM (appx. 33, 235 Euro)

Terril, I will send you the original film now via transfer.

Melissa, see you on Saturday at the Lab- at what time?


Fine Grain color negative films (1950–1964)

  • Eastman Color Negative film 5254/7254 100T introduced in 1964 (DISCONTINUED March, 1977)